Sunday, March 31, 2013

King Sejong And The Cheonggyecheon Stream

Another touristy post of when I took my mom and sister sightseeing~ I didn't want to travel far and I don't really know many tourist spots because I personally find things like this a bit boring... so I took them to see the King Sejong statue, which is near my school. It's pretty famous and comes out in dramas a lot. Behind the famous statue is another one of him sitting down. 
If you walk around to the back of that, it leads you to a basement where there is a museum. It's pretty big inside and you lose your sense of direction, so when we walked out of the museum, we ended up on the opposite side of the road xD 
Chime things
More chime things 
Display in the museum 
More swords... with weird handles
I think there was a small art exhibit going on as well because I don't remember it being there the first time I came. I really liked the creative art that tied in with the historical atmosphere.
Little paper people~ Look at the ones
hanging on for dear life!
I think this whole dress was made out of
traditional Korean paper
Candles reflect the characters on the wall

After a coffee break (the weather was surprisingly nice and on the warmer side that day) we walked to the Gyeongbokgung (palace). I think it's weird to see a huge traditional building like this in the middle of a busy city. It's $10 to actually go inside the palace, but we decided against it.  We went on a Sunday so it was packed and (bonus!) there was also a street market thing going on in front of it. 

Near the palace is the Cheonggyecheon Stream, which I actually know nothing about... it's just one of those sightseeing spots so we walked along it. Of course, it was mostly full of couples and tourists. At night there's a light show which we didn't get to see, but I plan to come back to watch it some day! I think it'll look much nicer when flowers are blooming too.
I don't really know the significance of this, but
use it as a landmark to find the stream! lol

And that concludes my adventures with my family. I didn't think I'd miss them, but it's only been a week and I feel really homesick. I was doing fine until I spent time with them T____T Now I'm counting down the days 'till I go home.... this is not good.

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