Sunday, March 10, 2013

Useless Food Spam 1

My food pictures are piling up, so I thought it's time for a food spam post. So if you're hungry and don't want to drool over your computer, I advise you to skip this post entirely. The average I spend on a meal is like $5, which is pretty unthinkable to do back home since there's tax and you also have to tip. Most of the food is from in or around my campus.
짬뽕 (super spicy T^T)
Kimbab with egg
Pizza & sausage bread from Paris Baguette 
Waffle with 3 scoops of ice cream & apple syrup (only $1.50!!)
Tempura Udon
Meat party~
"Chef's noodles" where they pour the soup after they bring it to your table
so the noodles don't get soggy
Mandoo! The noodles were orange :O
Bulgogi & ham+cheese soondubu 
Han's Deli for some non-Korean food
Omg look at that heart cake >3< So jealous of whoever gets to eat that!
My blueberry cheesecake mousse from Twosome Place 
Mixed mandoo plate, super yummy 
Tuna Kimbab & Kimchi Kimbab from school
Me being fat and pigging out on donuts
As you might have noticed, I haven't really been eating nutritious meals. Nor have I been eating properly at all... I would skip breakfast, then eat around 2 o'clock and snack throughout the day and not be hungry for dinner or I would eat barely anything all day then eat a big dinner D: I should change my habits soon and start eating healthier too! It's really hard to do though while on a budget and having NO kitchen T____T Help me!

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