Thursday, March 7, 2013

Living On Campus

I am currently on an exchange program to study abroad in Seoul, Korea. I got accepted to Ewha Womans University and came with 4 other students from my University back home, one of which is my roommate. It's my first time living on my own for an extended amount of time and also my first time living in a dorm. It feels like an apartment except everyone is around the same age as me. This is my third time in Korea, but my first time spending the cold season here so I was prepared to an extent, but not enough to brace myself for the freezing weather >__< I also wasn't prepared for the super prestigious atmosphere of this University. Everything looks so fancy and everyone seems so intellectual, I feel like I don't belong... Well, I'll now leave you with pictures of the campus scenes I see on a daily basis.
Main gate
View after entering main gate
View from atop the extensive amount of steps
Lovey-dovey path that just reminds me of how lonely I am here
My room when I first got here...
Now it's a mess with all my stuff unloaded on the desk :P
Campus food in real dishes and trays!
I realized I haven't been taking very many pictures, nor have I been doing very many adventurous stuff so there't not much to blog about... Hopefully that will change soon!

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