Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bau House

In America, it would be impossible to have a place like this, but in Korea where there is no FDA, anything is possible xD It was my first time going to a dog cafe and I am not really an animal person so I didn't know what to expect. But my roommate and I met up with Jeff again and the two really wanted to go so I tagged along.

My roommate supposedly knew how to get there but she read the map wrong so we almost got lost. Then, when I figured out the map and got us to the location, the dog cafe was not there! So in the end, Jeff looked it up on his gps (why did we not think of this earlier -___-) and we finally succeeded in finding it (it ended up being all the way up at the next station).

When we stepped inside, all 20+ dogs started barking at us at once. You enter a small wooden gate where there are a few smaller dogs and after you enter the bigger gate there are over 15 bigger dogs running around, napping, jumping on chairs, and playing with the other customers

Just lounging on the counter
Lazy dogs
Teaming up on the ugly one :(
Super fluffy <3
There are booths and tables along the left and right walls, but nothing that separates you from the dogs once you're inside. It's free to enter, but they compensate by making the drinks about $6 each. I think it's worth it though because we stayed for about 3 hours so that's just $2 an hour to play with lots and lots of dogs.  What's also cool about the place is that you can bring your own dog(s) to play or you can even leave them there for the day for their daycare service. 

I don't even know...
Looks cute, but I didn't like this one 
LOL enjoying too much
biggest dog EVER 
Another super fluffy one
Another super giant, but lanky dog
The workers were nice and really efficient about cleaning up after the dogs. It was cool seeing dogs I've never even seen before in my life and I actually wouldn't mind going there again. Since I haven't been to other dog cafes, I have nothing to compare this one to, but I would give this place a pretty good rating based on first impressions. 

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