Saturday, March 30, 2013

Namsan Tower aka N Seoul Tower

When visiting Seoul, it's a must to do tourist-y things so for our last night with Jeff, we decided to hike up to Namsan tower (tbh we didn't do that much hiking haha). The last time I went there was 2 years ago and I took a cab so I wasn't too sure on how to get there but it wasn't too hard. From myungdong station, take exit 3 and walk toward Pacific Hotel. Stay on the right side of the road and keep walking up the hill. There's a small fork or two, but if you just walk straight up on the right side you'll reach a staircase and ta-da~ No, you're not at the tower yet, you've reached the cable car building. During our walk, a girl who was heading to the same place came to talk to us and told us her tragic life story of her terrible time in Korea. She just kept going on and on and I felt really bad about her situation, but was surprised at how open she was. I guess she was just relieved to find English speakers to talk to. And I was definitely relieved that my stay in Korea has not been so horrific.
View from the cable car going up
 We payed $8 for a roundtrip cable car ride because no way were we climbing up and down that giant mountain in freezing cold weather (I actually wouldn't do it in any weather or for any reward regardless). I'm glad non of us were afraid of heights because it was quite a trip in that rocky cable car that's who-knows-how old.
View of the city from the cable car, mid-way up
It's mostly geared towards couples though, so be warned. Everything is super couple-y and cheesy like the locks and souvenirs and little things you can do like take a photo together and post it there or write messages on magnets and stick it to the wall. It brought back memories which made me feel kind of sad, but I tried not to think about that. One day I'll come here with kareshi and do all the cutesy things together!
Couple write messages on locks and put them on the "tree"
To go up to the observation deck of the tower is another $9. We went at the absolute perfect time because it was right when the sun was setting. It was so awesome seeing the whole city gradually light up. We didn't stay up there for long and we lost our new friend along the way, but I still had fun. 

At the base of the tower!
Goodbye Namsan tower, until next time~

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