Friday, March 29, 2013

Tim Burton Exhibit

Until mid-April, the Seoul Museum of Art is hosting a Tim Burton exhibit. To be honest, I haven't even seen most of his films, nor am I very familiar with his other pieces of work, but I was really interested in going. I like art-related things and I thought this would be a lot more fun than observing plain old paintings on the wall (not that I have anything against people who do that nor am I criticizing artists. They are great; it's just not my cup of tea).
 I was really sad that I couldn't take pictures of the art pieces because everything was so impressive. The collection included the very beginnings of his life, such as doodles he made as a young boy. There were also many, many napkins with drawings that he all kept instead of throwing away. Countless walls were covered with his obscure and eerie art, all of them unique and eye-catching.  The picture below is of the wallpaper before going into the actual exhibit rooms.
I enjoyed seeing the never-before-seen art pieces, but it was also fun finding recognizable pieces too like the puppet from the Nightmare Before Christmas or the creepy looking dolls that sing in the beginning of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I liked how they had pieces like that and Edward Scissorhands' hand, catwoman's suit, and many other pieces actually displayed instead of just photos or pictures.
Only photo I was super-stealthily able to take of the actual art pieces
Super cute, right? Totally couldn't resist. 
There were also many screens playing his films throughout the exhibit, all with Korean subtitles. I was a little disappointed that there was barely anything on Alice in Wonderland (my favorite) but I guess it can't be helped because it's not his original work and it came out fairly recently. I also wasn't satisfied with the gift shop, but I still bought a photobook and a set of playing cards. I really wish Hawaii had cool exhibits like this.
Most of those were all sold out :(
"Romeo and Juliet"

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