Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So the other day, a bunch of girls and I went to hunt for eatyourkimchi aka Simon and Martina's studio in Hongdae. If you're unfamiliar with eatyourkimchi, you can check out their youtube channel here or their website here. They're originally from Canada and started off blogging about their life in Korea for their own enjoyment, but now has grown to a "company" with 300,000 subscribers that watch their videos about Korean culture, music, food, you name it. 

The studio is really close to my school and my roommate and I were surprised that we had totally passed it at least twice when we were at Hongdae the week before. It's easy to miss because it's on the third floor of a not-so-spectacular looking building. Under the studio is an overpriced cafe, where we sat around hoping to catch a glimpse of the two. Unfortunately, we didn't meet them BUT! Take a look at this:

Yes! They retweeted our picture! I thought that was pretty cool and made them seem more like normal people and less like semi-celebrities. Maybe we'll actually get to talk to them next time (:

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