Monday, March 18, 2013

Public Drinking and Unique Interior

Back at home, I'm not of legal drinking age so I've been taking advantage of my drinking privileges here in Korea. The thing is, I have no idea where the good places to drink are so my friends and I always just wander around and go in to random bars or restaurants. Lesson learned: the nicest looking places can be a letdown and the sketchy looking places could be the hidden gem. We had to try peeking into a few places before settling down and the two places we tried were pretty cool. 

Warawara: We ordered small pitchers of the pineapple soju and strawberry lemon soju. When that wasn't enough we ordered a large pitcher of berry soju, which was my personal favorite. You can also choose to get it strong or weak. The interesting thing is, they bring the cut up fruits in a Magic Bullet and blend it/ mix it with soju right in front of you. For food we ordered fried goodness: ham+crab meat+cheese and fries. 

2nd: The interior of this place was really cool. You have to take off your shoes to get to your individual table, which is raised above ground because surrounding the tables is WATER! There's like a mini stream running between the tables and I felt like a fairy having a drink at my tree stump or something. Cocktails here were a rip-off and we had to order food in order to get drinks. The whole place reeked of cigarette smoke and the big groups were making tons of noise, but I still liked the whole mystic forest feel. 

While we're on the topic of unique interior, I also ate at a post-it restaurant... I don't know how else to explain it. The walls are covered, ceiling-to-floor, in post-it notes of all shapes, sizes, and color. I guess it's better than graffiti, but it still looked messy and unattractive to me. Some notes had the typical "___♥___", but some were funny like "I will lose weight and come back one day". The menu was fairly normal, including a variety of fried rice or pasta. It tasted and looked very homemade.
Kimchi+cheese fried rice topped with tobiko :9
Well, until next time~

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