Saturday, May 4, 2013

Busan; where I consume fish with more senses than I'd prefer

Wow, this post is long, long, long overdue. I have been sick for days and still not feeling quite up to par so I've been lazing around all day, every day. Anyway I'd like to write about my trip to Busan last weekend 2 weekends ago! It may get a bit lengthy since I took a lot of pictures and went to a bunch of places in the 2 days I was adventuring, so a warning in advance.

We caught the KTX train at around 1 on friday and arrived in Busan around 4. I don't like traveling so it was a bit uncomfortable, but better than taking the bus for 5+ hours. Once we arrived, we checked into our tiny little hotel room then met up with my friend. Let me just put this out there that he is awesome. He basically payed for EVERYTHING- meals, activities, train ticket, etc. for both me AND my roommate, for TWO DAYS. Like wtf most generous person ever aka "perks of having an oppa" as my roommate put it. 

Anyway, after having a cup of coffee we headed to the Nampo street market. It was just blocks and blocks of small shops all crowded together and I'm not a big fan of that so I didn't browse too much or take any pictures. Instead, we headed to the Busan tower. Pretty similar to Namsan, but the view was totally different. Again, we went around sunset so it was really nice
This clock made of flowers actually worked! 
Busan Tower~
Some traditional bell thing... sorry my explanations so meh
Hiked all the way up here! The walk through the park was nice :3
Couples' bench D:
This museum was right next to the tower
It housed all kinds of instruments from around the world
Kind of random, but cool 
120m up to the observation deck!
And then climb stairs that would be impossible
for an average American to fit through @___@
View of harbor~
They are currently building a new bridge
It looks almost done!
Zoomed view of temple below the tower.
I thought the decorations were nice
Yay! Got to capture the sunset again :D
Then, for dinner we went to Jagalchi fish market... more like "the edible aquarium" x____x Like... literally there were sooo many fish and other sea creatures I've never thought was possible to eat. The whole place was as big as a gymnasium and it smelled like I would imagine the inside of a fish tank to smell like >__< The floor was all wet with the fish water splashing over the tanks so thank goodness I wore covered shoes. My friend chose the fish and we went upstairs to wait for the ladies to cook it and serve it to us. It's one of those things you have to experience once you go to Busan.
Edible aquarium~
Sorry for the blur but this is the only shot I have of the whole area...
It's endless!!
Tank of crabs
Cannot tell, but they were pretty big
And Lobstar =w=
So gross idek
Even grosser, looks like tapeworms wtf
(Idek what tapeworms look like)
If live fish weren't enough, here's tons of dried ones.
turned into THIS! Tasted like I took a lick of the ocean...
And THIS....
Turned into THIS! It was salty and good actually.
The rest turned into sashimi
And the bones used for the stew~ Too spicy >___<

Actually, I think I will make another post for Day 2 of Busan since this post got quite long already and I have even more pictures from that day. So I hope this post was interesting enough and I apologize again for the delay T___T I will keep the posts coming to compensate so stay tuned!!

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