Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So... I've been missing for like forever D: I apologize T___T And this won't even be a real post... I just felt bad for neglecting this blog for so long.

Anyway, mid-April was midterms, then my roommate and I went on an impromptu trip across the country (that I will blog about soon), then I caught some virus or something that had me stuck in bed for 2 days and I am still feeling a bit under the weather ): AND NOW IT IS MAY.

I've passed the halfway point of this trip though! I feel like I should buy souvenirs and pack up already, but that'd be getting way too ahead of myself. The past 2 days I left the dorm without my coat though!! Finally some decent weather~ (but whenever I say this, it returns to being freezing cold the next day...)

While I was lazing around being all sickly and whatnot, I've developed a special place in my heart for a Japanese dance group called Tempura Kidz. They're a group of 5 super talented, fashionable, and cute kids ages 13 and 14. Here's one of their MVs, Cider Cider:

Can you believe the one in blue is a boy? Sooo cute >w< They also recently debuted with their own song One Step so check that out too :D If they seem familiar to you, you might have seen them in the viral video, Vegetarhythm. They were also Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's backup dancers.

Well------ that's it for now >____< I will be back soon, hopefully... so look forward to posts about my trip within a trip (tripception wtf) and more food (of course) and other random happenings. I hope you didn't mind this filler post too much :X

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