Sunday, May 5, 2013

Useless Food Spam 4

More like useless dessert spam *O* No wonder I am getting so fat...
This time I got Oreo and Original
Strawberry cream cheese pie that I had been drooling over
ever since I saw it in the display case
Korean strawberries >>> American strawberries
Yogurt smoothies from Cube Cafe
I love how food actually look like how it's shown in the pictures here
Caramel cheesecake & strawberry with dark chocolate bits
Beard Papa "cookie chou" that I devoured in like 5 seconds
Frozen tiramisu from CNN cafe

Ok here's some real food in case you're overwhelmed by all the sweets already >x<
Most hoddeok places have just sugar inside the deep fried batter,
but this one had japjae! Sooo delicious, especially in the cold.
Somewhat resembles a panini... from Dunkin Donut :P
Karaage donnnn
I think this bento was like $3 and super delicious too
My noodles... in a cup. Tasted like mac&cheese :O
"Shrimp pasta" aka let's-just-throw-imitation-crab-on-top-of-spaghetti
Disappointing bowl of tonkotsu :(

But actually, I wasn't done with the sweets...
Green tea frappe from Green Station
Mint Oreo Chocolate Latte
This place just opened, but there's always a line out the door now!
"Anipang" is a game for your phone, but "bbang" also means "bread" in Korean. Word play :3

Ok, going to die from diabetes now, bye~

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