Saturday, May 4, 2013

Busan Day 2 ft. Real Aquarium, Freezing In The Cold, & Melting In The Heat

So on the second day, my friend took us to the Busan Aquarium, and no we did not eat the fish there. We were actually planning to ride a tour bus, but it was raining. And the bus was full. And we didn't want to wait 30 minutes for the next one. Sooo my friend just busted out his car out of nowhere and drove us instead.
I don't even think the nation has that many aquariums lol
Ugly catfish-esque thing that can't decide if it wants to stay in or out of water
Ugly, horn-y, thing
So ugly long neck
I think it was being bullied
Mommy and baby kinda cute (actually dunno if they're even related)
Looks like a pokemon or something
Snake? Eel?
So gross, that little fish is messed up @___@
Super big octopus that could strangle you
Aquarium is not complete w/o a shark
idk English name for it. That's just what it's called in Japanese
Dolphin? I'm not really sure
A real frozen hammerhead. Must stink so bad inside that feezer

Aquariums are just... aquariums. I don't know what else to say about it :P They are relatively similar wherever you go although each one has something others don't (but I've seen better ones in Japan, sorry Korea!). It did reinforce my desire to have a jellyfish tank in my house though... even though I've been stung at least 3 times by them -____- But they're so calming to watch!

Right outside the aquarium is the beach...
First time wearing a coat and walking on sand...
After the aquarium we went to the biggest department store in the world! Not that I could afford most of the things in there BUT there's an ice skating rink and spa inside as well *O* DO ALL THE ACTIVITIES! *fist pump* No, really. First we ate lunch, then we ice skated (it's mandatory to wear helmets and gloves wtf), then we went to the spa (sorry no pictures), then we browsed around. The spa was much, much classier than the sauna I went to 2 years ago but my roommate still received quite a culture shock. I guess I'm used to naked old ladies walking around because I've been to hot springs in Japan multiple times, but my roommate looked petrified lololol. She was so lost the whole time whether it be putting her stuff in the lockers, changing into the clothes they provide you, or going into the different sauna rooms :P
Ignore the couple, I just wanted to show you that the ice rink
Reminded me of my rollerblades from when I was 8
Inside the dome is the saunas
The heat felt so nice, but we had to go back out into the freezing cold T^T Dunno why but Busan was so rainy and cold that weekend! It didn't stop us from venturing into a creepy ass "amusement park" though. This was on the way to edible aquarium round 2 (because roommate said "I'm good with sashimi" which anyone with English as a second language would take it as "Yes I want sashimi" when she actually meant she doesn't want anymore... So terrible at communicating omg D: &she wants to become a teacher... 헐)
Yeah, look how inviting this looks
Crazy flip... OF DEATH
If this isn't creepy idk what is
First time I had macaroni as a side dish here
It was so good I ate another plate of it...
That night, there was supposed to be a gathering with a bunch of my friends that I met last summer BUT IT WAS CANCELED. But a few of them still wanted to see me (yay they didn't forget who I am >w<) so we went to a bar (? idk what these casual drinking places are called...) to socialize. Yay met new people and it was extremely awkward!
Some weird fruit+cereal+milk mixture thing...
Spicy cheesy goodness
Aaaand that's it for this trip because the next day I felt so terrible I couldn't even get out of bed and I ate absolutely nothing and slept until it was time to catch the KTX back to Seoul on Monday morning x__x BUSAN Y U SO CRUEL TO ME

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