Saturday, April 6, 2013

Snow Spoon

Back home a few years ago, frozen yogurt suddenly became super popular and little shops started opening up everywhere. Literally, there was one on every street. Here in Korea, there aren't that many but we found one that looked similar to the ones in America. They also sold waffles, gelato, popsicles, and cookies though. Welcoming the familiarity, I grabbed a cup and set to work. 
Cute centerpieces, but not sure if it fit the atmosphere...
I definitely had to try the unusual flavors and here's my verdict-
Rice: Tasted quite bland, like the original tart flavor minus the tart. Not bad though.
Blue: I had no idea what to expect... Greece? I have no idea what Greece should taste like... anyway I think it's one of those hit or miss flavors and it was a miss for me. Tasted kind of like ramune, but not really... maybe like a strange starburst flavor. 
Rose: I actually quite liked this one. Tasted like if a Victoria's Secret body spray was edible. Haha

The brown thing is coffee syrup :P
Plus side of cold weather= none of this melts so all the flavors can be
enjoyed separately without it becoming a mixed up goo
The price said 26won for 1gram, which I had no idea how much that could be. In America, it's about 50cents an ounce or something so it SOUNDED cheaper here... Quite wrong. The amount I got cost 5,200won. Usually, I would get more and put toppings and still come out less than $5. But it was yummy and worth it so I think I'll be back whenever I am craving some flower flavor or starch in frozen yogurt form :P

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