Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So... I've been missing for like forever D: I apologize T___T And this won't even be a real post... I just felt bad for neglecting this blog for so long.

Anyway, mid-April was midterms, then my roommate and I went on an impromptu trip across the country (that I will blog about soon), then I caught some virus or something that had me stuck in bed for 2 days and I am still feeling a bit under the weather ): AND NOW IT IS MAY.

I've passed the halfway point of this trip though! I feel like I should buy souvenirs and pack up already, but that'd be getting way too ahead of myself. The past 2 days I left the dorm without my coat though!! Finally some decent weather~ (but whenever I say this, it returns to being freezing cold the next day...)

While I was lazing around being all sickly and whatnot, I've developed a special place in my heart for a Japanese dance group called Tempura Kidz. They're a group of 5 super talented, fashionable, and cute kids ages 13 and 14. Here's one of their MVs, Cider Cider:

Can you believe the one in blue is a boy? Sooo cute >w< They also recently debuted with their own song One Step so check that out too :D If they seem familiar to you, you might have seen them in the viral video, Vegetarhythm. They were also Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's backup dancers.

Well------ that's it for now >____< I will be back soon, hopefully... so look forward to posts about my trip within a trip (tripception wtf) and more food (of course) and other random happenings. I hope you didn't mind this filler post too much :X

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Etude House mini review

Since I'm not a makeup guru or anything, don't expect an elaborate review, but here's my take on the items I bought from Etude House. They never fail to draw my attention with their excessively cute packaging >w< I got the Dear My Blooming Lips-talk lipstick and Ice Cream Nails nail polish.
I was looking for a "your lips, but better" color that's wearable for an every day look and chose this "beige" color. Wasn't sure how it would show up on my lips, but I really like it! Does not accentuate dryness like a lot of other lipsticks tend to do and it's not too sheer, but not overwhelming either. It was just what I was looking for. I think this will be my new go-to lipstick (since I don't own that many to begin with). It cost about $8 which is around the same price as a drugstore lipstick back home, but for the cute packaging and good quality I think it's definitely worth it.
Swatch on my bare hand 
On my lips (indoor lighting)
For my nails, I wanted a coral-y color for the spring season. The weather seems to FINALLY be warming up and cherry blossoms are starting to bloom!! Anyway, I picked out this orangey-pink color and I quite like this, too. The cone-shaped handle was a little hard to work with and gave that kind of cheap-y feel (though I can't complain since it was only around $2 after all). The consistency was a little on the thicker side, but didn't get streaky or anything. Nothing special about it so I would rate it a 3.5/5
With 2 coats and no top coat
So how was my first makeup "review"? I hope it was at least a little helpful >w< Even if you don't have an Etude House near you, there are lots of sites that sell their products so you should try them out! And just to make it clear, I am totally not getting any compensation for saying this.


Sorry for the lack of posts this week... I have been a ひきこもり aka 방콕 aka sitting on my butt in my room doing nothing all day. 
But when I did leave my room, I went all out. We caught the subway to Apgujeong and payed a visit to CUBE Cafe to commemorate BTOB's comeback. 

The CUBE building where all the magic happens
Pass this building first and then...
JYP building!
*whispers* J Y P ~
It wasn't too hard to find and once you pass the JYP building you'll see the CUBE cafe. There's a big screen playing a music video outside and a poster of whoever is currently promoting. The cafe is pretty big with a dozen or so tables. We went in the early afternoon on a week day so it was empty except for two other girls.
And then you reach the CUBE Cafe a few steps later
The buzzer was B2ST
(No, not really. I didn't buy any lol)
Aside from all the merchandise lining the walls and shelves the decoration was quite minimal. They serve typical cafe food like sandwiches, muffins, coffee, and smoothies (that taste pretty good). I was surprised they stream regular kpop music instead of just playing CUBE artist music :P
G.Na cup sleeve. Sad it wasn't BTOB yet :(
BTOB hand prints!
Donations for Kikwang?
Back exit 
Back exit
This picture was everywhere! There was one on the wall inside where all the fans wrote messages and drew on the faces... and another poster a building or two over, commemorating BTOB's 1 year since debut. Has it been that long already??

After CUBE cafe, we walked in search of the SM building which we heard was also nearby. We walked quite a distance... in the super freezing cold weather. Why is it that I have to wear a winter coat in April?! Anyway, to our disappointment the building was under renovation and this is what it looked like:
Actually, I'm not even sure if this is the real place... it was just so cold and tiring we kind of just gave up trying to find it >___< At least we accomplished the cafe portion. Better luck next time~

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Snow Spoon

Back home a few years ago, frozen yogurt suddenly became super popular and little shops started opening up everywhere. Literally, there was one on every street. Here in Korea, there aren't that many but we found one that looked similar to the ones in America. They also sold waffles, gelato, popsicles, and cookies though. Welcoming the familiarity, I grabbed a cup and set to work. 
Cute centerpieces, but not sure if it fit the atmosphere...
I definitely had to try the unusual flavors and here's my verdict-
Rice: Tasted quite bland, like the original tart flavor minus the tart. Not bad though.
Blue: I had no idea what to expect... Greece? I have no idea what Greece should taste like... anyway I think it's one of those hit or miss flavors and it was a miss for me. Tasted kind of like ramune, but not really... maybe like a strange starburst flavor. 
Rose: I actually quite liked this one. Tasted like if a Victoria's Secret body spray was edible. Haha

The brown thing is coffee syrup :P
Plus side of cold weather= none of this melts so all the flavors can be
enjoyed separately without it becoming a mixed up goo
The price said 26won for 1gram, which I had no idea how much that could be. In America, it's about 50cents an ounce or something so it SOUNDED cheaper here... Quite wrong. The amount I got cost 5,200won. Usually, I would get more and put toppings and still come out less than $5. But it was yummy and worth it so I think I'll be back whenever I am craving some flower flavor or starch in frozen yogurt form :P

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hello Kitty Cafe

I'm sure this topic has been countlessly blogged about already, but here's my take on this overly hyped-up tourist trap. It's not as glamourous as people make it out to be, but that might be because we went at night... The least they could do was repaint the walls to make it less dirty looking or something.

My roommate and I went to the one located in Sinchon (walking distance from our dorm). At least it didn't have graffiti all over the walls like the Hongdae one.
It is located above a Korean restaurant
The dingy looking entrance...
The menu thing outside
We took forever to decide what to order because everything was cute but ridiculously expensive (but it's kind of like that for all cafes here so I was not the least bit surprised). Be prepared to pay over $10 if you want something to eat and drink. The workers' uniforms also followed the theme, but again most cafes in Korea have workers in cute uniforms so that wasn't very special either.
Upon walking through the door
I was a bit disappointed at the interior because it just looked like someone went out to grab all the Hello Kitty things they could find and threw it in there. Ok, the wall cutout was pretty neat and the decals on the windows were cute, but the chairs and tables just felt a little lacking. I'm not sure how to put it but it gave off a sort of abandoned vibe... as if someone who outgrew their cute furniture just donated it.
Couples were sitting in that very pink room
The "souvenirs" did not attract me at all. They looked like they'd been sitting there for who knows how long and I feel like they should have had a separate section for them, not used as a barrier between the counter and tables.
Toys and other Kitty themes things you could buy 
But who would want to pay $30 for mini plush dolls?
Anyway, we got our drinks (me a cookie & cream 'crunch' and my roommate a green tea latte). Not bad, but nothing to rave about either. I later regretted ordering a cold drink because it was freezing outside and we had to walk back home T^T
Cute enough, and surprisingly the English makes sense
As the name states, it had bits of crunchy stuff inside
Maybe toffee? It wasn't overly sweet and the cream on top
was nice and thick ^^ Yummy~
Before she heartlessly destroyed the face
So I kind of made this place sound really junk... but it's not that I disliked it. The service and drinks were fine and everything was as Hello Kitty as it can get. I just didn't want to glorify it because everyone is always so eager to come here. Personally, I think there are countless other cafes in Korea that are just as cute, if not comfier and more modern looking, than this one. I tagged along for the 'experience' but I think one visit is enough for me. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Useless Food Spam 3

 I think I am just a lazy blogger who depends on food pictures to fill up my quota of posts. Not that I even have a quota to fill... but yeah >__< I can't help that Korea is just full of good food! This post is a bit lengthy so congratulations if you reach the bottom :P Some of the food I want to blog about in more detail later, so you can skip to that if this post is too boring for you~
Berry waffle *O*
Another fatty toast
From Myungdong Mandoo
From Myungdong Mandoo
Stone pot bibimbap that I ate 2 days in a row
All kinds of meat!
Boneless kalbi and japjae noodles :9
Jjimdak, which I mostly just ate the potatoes
and noodles of :P
Chicken bulgogi, kinda oily >__<
Super garlicy chicken for Jeff's last supper with me
Crispy chicken~ Jeff oppa's treat <3
Giant bowl of jjajangmyun only $5
Sweet and sour pork~ Must always eat with jjajangmyun :9
She looks a bit green... ㅋ
What I ordered at Hello Kitty Cafe
Cream cheese inside my muffin!
Frozen yogurt! 
Before and after mixing up the most delicious mango
tapioca drink ever~
Green Tea Tiramisu! Although it tasted more like cheesecake...?
I swear I'm going to try all the delicious looking flavors before I leave